We Have Answers

What templates are available for ordering?

We create one-of-a-kind experiences, so you won’t find any cookie cutter templates here! Every family is unique, and our branded keepsakes and immersive experiences are too. After uploading photos, sharing personal information and selecting products, our design team creates custom keepsakes for loved ones that will leave families thanking you for a memorable experience.

How Does Life Celebration Inc. differ from other companies?

Life Celebration is built for funeral directors, by funeral directors. Our founders, Jim Cummings and Gerry Givnish, established Life Celebration after recognizing a lack of options for funeral directors who wanted to provide their clients with custom healing experiences, rather than a traditional funeral service. Along with years of firsthand professional experience, our business is rooted in the philosophy introduced in the best-selling book, The Experience Economy: Work Is Theater & Every Business a Stage. Written by B. Joseph Pine II and James H. Gilmore, the Experience Economy explains that businesses must create memorable events to connect with their customers, and that the resulting memorable moments leave customers feeling emotionally invested and loyal to the brand.

What does an exclusive Life Celebration membership actually mean?

Life Celebration members enjoy an exclusivity that prohibits any competing funeral homes within a reasonable determined radius from joining our community. Additionally, members receive in-depth and customized training, rooted in The Experience Economy, and access to Certified Experience Experts who serves as a guide through our seamless process to custom-create immersive experiences unique to every client family. Members who invest in Life Celebration quickly see a return in the form of enhanced revenues, market share, satisfied clients and guests and recognition within the community as a Life Celebration® home. 

What is the turnaround time between placing an order and receiving the final product?

Our members know that when they place an order with Life Celebration, we’ll commit to fulfilling the request as quickly as possible. When you place your order by 12:00 p.m. in your respective time zone, you will receive the order on your doorstep the next day.

How do I become a Life Celebration member?

Give us a call at 888-887-3782 or email us at [email protected] to learn how you can become part of our exclusive Life Celebration Community. Better yet, schedule a tour of our headquarters for a sneak peek at the magic happening within our walls.